Our Team

Tracy Tan - Registered Physiotherapist

Tracy Tan

Clinic Co-Owner 
Registered Physiotherapist 
BSc Kin, MSc PT

Tracy is a graduate of the University of Toronto physical therapy program. Prior to pursuing a career in physical therapy, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in kinesiology and a Master of Science degree in kinesiology, both from Wilfrid Laurier University. Tracy’s academic research focused on understanding the influence of sensation and perception on functional activities, such as walking, in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Neuroscience and Geriatric Nursing.​

Tracy’s physiotherapy approach is based on current literature and guided by each client’s individual needs and goals.  She utilizes a hands-on approach with supplemental training in manual therapy, contemporary medical acupuncture, and neurological physiotherapy (Bobath-certified and NDT).  Tracy is passionate about the role of exercise in the rehabilitation of complex injuries and has completed Stott Pilates instructor-training courses to help integrate her knowledge of posture, alignment and strength into rehabilitation.  

In her spare time, Tracy enjoys keeping active through yoga, Pilates, and volleyball. Her passion for sport and healthy living helps her develop and achieve specific and functional goals with all of her clients.